Analytical solutions of the null-geodesics in Ellis-Bronnikov wormhole spacetime via exp(-\Phi(\xi))-expansion method

Victor Konstantinovich Shchigolev


    In this article, we use the so-called  exp(-\Phi(\xi))-expansion method to obtain some specific classes of one-parameter exact solutions of null-geodesics in the Ellis- Bronnikov wormhole metric. In the first stage of this method, the nonlinear PDE is converted into a nonlinear ordinary derivative equation (ODE) of polynomial form. Therefore, if we initially have a nonlinear ODE of polynomial form, sometimes its solutions can be obtained using the procedure of the exp(-\Phi(\xi))-expansion method. In our paper, this method allows us to obtain some exact analytical solutions to null-geodesic equations in the Ellis-Bronnikov wormhole metric, expressed in the elementary functions.


General Relativity

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