Modal interpretation of Quantum mechanics provides the framework for the Description of physical reality
The question whether the quantum description of physical reality may be considered complete remains a challenge among a number of physicists even today. These challenges have their origins from the quantum measurement problem.
This paper tries to address this problem by focusing on the quantum logical perspective and particularly on how modal interpretation of quantum mechanics leads to the contextual description of physical reality. It argues that in classical mechanics any composite system can be completely described by the state of its parts. But in quantum mechanics the composite system can be in the entangled state and therefore cannot be described by giving a pure state for each subsystem.
By using the modal interpretation of quantum mechanics, we are led to the description of reality that cannot be postulated rather to the reality in postulation. Reality in postulation is contextual. In this sense transition from postulation of reality to reality in postulation is analogously similar to transition from Boolean structure to non – Boolean structure of the universe, from the localized systems to non – localized systems.
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