Assessment of heavy metals concentration in soil of waste disposal sites in Dutse metropolis
The study was conducted to assess the impact of solid waste disposal on soil quality in Dutse metropolis, with the aim of determining the trend, sources, and distribution of heavy metals such as Cd, Hg, Cu, Zn and Cr. Top soil (0-15cm) samples were collected from five different points within the dumpsites. Which were later analyzed using nitric acid (HNO3) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) at relatively low temperature in the laboratory. The concentrations of the heavy metals detected in the soil ranged from 1.39 ppm to 118.52 ppm which indicated the potential of the ground water being contaminated by leachates. Furthermore, this research reveals that there is heavy metals contamination in the study area, and these metals were detected in different concentrations. This could be attributed to continuous usage of products containing these metals nearby populace and disposal of carrier wastes by the sellers of different items within Dutse town. The higher concentration of Cd could be associated with content of Cd in the soil of the sampling sites and is due to discarding materials containing some content of it. High lead level on the other hand was due to the use of leaded batteries and renovation paints. Cr, Fe and showed no concentrations accounting for no usage and disposal of carrier materials. In general, the area is at potential risk of severe heavy metals pollution requiring immediate action.
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