Interaction study of Glutamic Acid with double-stranded calf thymus DNA by using Cyclic Voltammetric, Ultraviolet-visible and Fluorescence spectroscopy
Interaction of glutamic acid (Glu) was studied with double-stranded (ds) calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA) by cyclic voltammetry (CV) then obtained results were further correlated by ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) and fluorescence spectroscopies. Calculated binding constant from all techniques was very close to each other and it is around 3.54× 103 M L-1. Further binding sites were also calculated and it is near to 1, which indicates appropriate binding of Glu with CT-DNA. The result shows Glu binds in groove modes of DNA. Further binding free energy (∆G) of the complex was also calculated and it is -4.76 kCal M-1. In our work a correlative intractability pattern for Glu with DNA has been identified.Â
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