Information and thermodynamic arrows of time
The article examines the thermodynamic arrow of time and the information arrow of time. The thermodynamic arrow of time is related to the second law of thermodynamics, and the information arrow of time shows that it is only possible to record information from the past, but not from the future. It has been concluded that on certain occasions the thermodynamic arrow of time and the information arrow of time may have different directions. According to the interpretation of Stueckelberg-Feynman-Sudarshan-Recami, the antiparticles are particles moving backwards in time. Classical thermodynamics can be extended to describe the physical properties of antimatter in two mutually exclusive ways: CP-invariant or CPT-invariant thermodynamics. From this point of view, the article shows the existing possibilities for the directions of the thermodynamic arrow of time and the information arrow of time. Thermodynamic systems have been examined that are composed of only matter or of only antimatter and observed (investigated) by hypothetical observers made of matter or antimatter. The information and entropy properties of the computational processes performed by a computer made of antimatter have been discussed.
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