The Higgs boson and the signal at 750 GeV: Composite particles?

Raymond Fèvre


This article explores the possibility that the 125 GeV-mass particle discovered at CERN in 2012 is a composite particle. It then expands the theory to the hypothetical particle seeming to appear at 750 GeV. To that end, this ultra-relativistic quasi-classical model is presented. The results suggest the existence of a tauonium and quarkonia having the required mass.


Higgs boson, Composite particle

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Lucia di Ciaccio and Gautier Hamel de Monchenault, “Derniers résultats sur le boson de Higgs au LHCâ€, Reflets de la Physique; 46, October-November, 4-10, (2015) DOI:

Landau and Lifchitz, Théorie du champ, (Editions Mir, Moscou, 1966), p120

Landau and Lifchitz, Théorie quantique relativiste (première partie), (Editions Mir, Moscou, 1972), p 398-401


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