Evaluation of Computed Tomography doses in three medical diagnostic centres in Kano
Computed tomography (CT), is an X-ray procedure that generates high quality cross-sectional images of the body, and by comparison to other radiological diagnosis, the use of CT in medical diagnosis delivers radiation doses to patients that are higher than those from other radiological procedures. Lack of optimized protocols could be an additional source of increased dose in developing countries. The aim of this study is to conduct radiation doses survey for head, chest and abdomen CT examinations of patients in three selected CT Diagnostics centers in Kano city. Detailed were obtained for 144 CT examinations for adults patients only. The results from the three Diagnostics centers (hospitals) were compared within each other as well as with the IAEA guidance level for this particular investigation. Survey of radiation doses were carried out by calculating Volume dose index (CTDIvol), and dose length product (DLP) using the SPSS software program. The study showed that the mean DLP of the one Diagnostics centers (hospital) is 1522.6 mGy.cm which is far much higher than the two other diagnostic centers Mohammed Abdullahi Wase which stands at 661.0 mGy.cm, Providian medical diagnostic center which stand at1121.3 mGy.cm as well as higher than the IAEA level which is 527 mGy.cm.
The study showed that the mean CTDIvol for patients in AKTH is 38.6 mGy which again is higher than the two other diagnostic centers Mohammed Addullahi Wase which is 9.5 mGy, Providian medical diagnostic center is 9.6 mGy though, it is less than the IAEA level which is 47.0 mGy.
This study showed that there is an urgent need for optimizing patient doses in Kano city CT examinations. This can be ensured by providing training and retraining for workers and conducting quality control measurements and preventive maintenance regularly so as to detect any unnecessary outflow of ionization radiation early enough before they negatively affect the image which may necessitate re-imaging and then increase patients’ dose.
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