Curvature and the Electromagnetic Field

Craig William Brown


Maxwell’s equations are derived from the curvature tensor and a vector potential.  The results are combined with Einstein’s equations.  Complete solutions to the resulting equation yield simultaneous solutions to both Einstein’s and Maxwell’s equations. This is a classical theoretical unification of electromagnetism and gravitation.


Electromagnetism; Curvature Tensor; Maxwell’s Equations; General Relativity; Unified Field Theory

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Albert Einstein, Annalen der Physik, 49, (1916); translation by W. Perrett and G. B Jeffery, The Principle of Relativity, (Dover Publications, New York, 1952) pp. 111-164.

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Hermann Weyl, Space-Time-Matter (translation by Henry L. Brose, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1952).

Erwin Schrödinger, Space-Time Structure (Cambridge University Press, 1950, reprinted 1994).

Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, General Theory of Relativity (Wiley, New York, 1975), Chap. 11, p20-21.

Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, General Theory of Relativity (Wiley, New York, 1975), Eq. (11.5), p21.

Richard E. Moss, Advanced Molecular Quantum Mechanics (Chapman and Hall, London, 1973), Appendix A, p265-269.

Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, General Theory of Relativity (Wiley, New York, 1975), Eq. (23.12), p43.

Richard E. Moss, Advanced Molecular Quantum Mechanics (Chapman and Hall, London, 1973) Eq. (5.55), p75.

Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, General Theory of Relativity (Wiley, New York, 1975), Eq. (23.13), p43.

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Wikipedia contributors. (2021, February 11). Electromagnetic stress–energy tensor. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 15:39, March 20, 2021, from


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